
KEY features

  • A greener, more walkable and accessible campus
  • More trees, gardens and green spaces
  • Airy plazas, meandering pathways and inviting gathering places
  • Moving parking underground
  • Canada's largest urban geothermal field
  • Read more

Landmark stories

Harvey Botting (BA 1967 VIC, MBA 1985)
Pictured with (at right) his son Kevin Botting (MBA 2006)
“For the rest of my life I will walk to King’s College Circle and visit my family’s square foot of granite.”
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Professor Donald Ainslie
Principal of University College Pictured (at right) with Scott Mabury, U of T’s Vice-President, University Operations (at left)
“I wanted to contribute to this project because I deeply believe in it, but also because I want to acknowledge my family's U of T roots.”
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Katherine Carney (BA 2008 NEW)
Pictured with Adam Carney (BPHE 2007) and their son Will
“Adam and I are both very sentimental. We love the idea of a tree—of having literal roots here at U of T and being able to mark our son’s growth alongside our tree. Maybe one day we’ll be able to take a family photo in front of it on Will’s graduation day.”
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Paul Shaffer (BA 1971 UC)
“I’m very appreciative that I'm getting the opportunity to honour my parents and all they did for me.”
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The University adds new location for Landmark Project pavers thanks to overwhelming support from alumni and friends
““I will forever be indebted to this great institution for what it has done for me and my family,” says Harvey Botting (BA 1967 VIC, MBA 1985), who is among thousands of U of T alumni and friends leaving their mark in the historic core of St. George campus with a Landmark Project paver. ”
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Lesley Riedstra (BA 1995 NEW) (left) and Rian Mitra (BSc 1997 NEW)
“Walking across King’s College Circle on the way to class, attending events at Hart House or playing sports on Back Campus field are such important elements of campus life. The opportunity to make them even better versions of themselves is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
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Mychael Danna (MusBac 1986, BEd 1987, Hon LLD 2014)
“My bench will look onto Hart House Circle, which was my favourite place of refuge and inspiration. Landmark is a perfect way to say ‘thank you’ for the momentous role the University of Toronto has played in my life.”
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Elizabeth Smyth (BEd 1977, EdD 1990),
Former Vice-Dean, Programs, School of Graduate Studies (SGS)
“I am so honoured that my colleagues at the School of Graduate Studies have commemorated my time as Vice-Dean with a personalized paving stone outside Convocation Hall. There’s an energy and excitement around Con Hall that is unlike anywhere else at the University.”
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Jean Doan (Med 1983)
“A double bench means we can be together. I like to think of the students wandering around King’s College Circle and stopping to sit on our bench to have a cup of coffee or to just relax between classes. It’s just perfect—the perfect way to pay tribute to Glenn.”
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R. Scott MacKendrick (BASc 1982)
University of Toronto Alumni Association Pictured with President Meric Gertler
“With the support of our community, we will revitalize our breathtaking architectural inheritance and reinstate the St. George campus core as one of the most vibrant and indispensable public spaces in our city and country.”
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Ron Saporta,
Chief Operating Officer of Property Services & Sustainability at U of T
“Having the country’s largest urban geothermal field in the centre of our downtown campus not only generates much-needed energy, it creates real-world learning opportunities for U of T students”
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Bharati “Bee-Bee” Mukherjee
“When I learned about the Landmark Project, I decided that I could do something for my son. We would name a bench in memory of Raj. It will be permanent and have his name on it.”
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A proud son celebrates his mother’s remarkable journey to Canada
“My mother had quite a journey in her life, She was born in Iran in the early 1950s—the fifth of six children. From a very young age, she had an incredible aptitude for numbers and the hard sciences. She was determined to pursue her passion, and graduated with a civil engineering degree from Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, one of the first women ever to obtain this degree.”
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Have questions about your Landmark gift or inscription? Please contact us at and we’ll be happy to assist you.